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India's road transportation system is a vital component of the country's economy, but it also contributes significantly to its CO2 emissions due to its dependence on diesel fuel. The adverse impact on air quality has led to a ban on diesel-based commercial vehicles in some Indian cities twice a year, including the capital. In response, the government and the trucking sector have been making strides to switch to sustainable fuels for trucks. While smaller and medium commercial vehicles have switched to using CNG, larger trucks have yet to make the switch.

The adoption of sustainable fuels can reduce emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, improve air quality, protect public health, mitigate climate change impacts, and reduce India's dependence on imported fossil fuels, thus improving energy security. LNG has emerged as a viable alternative for heavy-duty trucks among the various sustainable fuels due to its lower emissions and cost-effectiveness.

Compared to diesel, LNG has a higher energy density and provides better fuel efficiency, lower maintenance, and operational costs, and emits significantly less carbon dioxide, sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide, particulate mass, and noise. While there are challenges to the widespread adoption of natural gas in the trucking sector, such as retrofitting existing trucks and building new fueling stations, the benefits of LNG make it a promising opportunity for India's sustainable trucking future.

To facilitate the adoption of LNG for more extensive, long-haul trucks, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) needs to develop an LNG strategy. This strategy should introduce competitive fuel rates, incentives for Indian trucks that switch to LNG, preferential toll rates, and lower new vehicle registration costs. Tax concessions and green certifications can also incentivize 'LNG friendly' truck manufacturing. Building infrastructure for LNG outlets across the country and developing sustainable fuel supply chains are also essential.

As more companies adopt natural gas-powered trucks and the infrastructure to support them becomes more widespread, the cost and range issues are likely to become less of a concern. This could lead to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

In conclusion, LNG is a promising opportunity for India's sustainable trucking future. The government and the trucking sector need to continue their efforts to shift towards sustainable fuels, invest in alternative fuel infrastructure, develop sustainable fuel supply chains, and promote policies and incentives that encourage the adoption of sustainable transport solutions. Dedicated pilot programs along corridors with logistics service providers, original equipment manufacturers, and fuel suppliers will play a crucial role in demonstrating the fuel's advantages and stimulating its adoption. With concerted efforts, India can create a more sustainable and resilient future for its road transportation system.

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